Niger: Mahamane Ousmane, Ex-head of State Rejects the Results of the Presidential Election!


Opponent Mahamane Ousmane, ex-head of state, rejected Wednesday the results of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) giving his opponent Mohamed Bozoum the winner of the Nigerien presidential election.

Former President of the Republic Mahamane Ousmane, to whom the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) gives 44.25% of the vote against 55.75% of the vote for Mohamed Bozoum his opponent in the second round of the Nigerien presidential election, assures that he won the ballot by claiming victory with 50.3% of the vote.

Ousmane, the RDR-Tchanji candidate, justifies this “victory” by compiling the reports sent by his delegates present in the offices on the day of the vote.

In detail, according to the CENI, Mohamed Bazoum won 2,501,459 votes against 1,985,736 in Ousmane out of a total of 7.4 million voters. As for the participation rate for this second round, it stands at 62.91%.

For his part, Falké Bacharou, campaign director of candidate Mahamane Ousmane, speaking on behalf of the opposition, had already asked Tuesday “all Nigeriens (…) to mobilize as one man to defeat this electoral hold-up ”, Because he denounces an electoral “hold-up”.

Shortly before the announcement of the results, the opposition had already demanded “the immediate suspension of the publication of the results”.

The situation had become tense after the proclamation on Tuesday, because near the headquarters of the ruling party where the winner Mohamed Bazoum was expected to speak, opposition protesters had gathered and were being chased by police officers who made use of tear gas.

Mahamane Ousmane supporters!

On Wednesday, Mahamane Ousmane hinted that he would exercise annulment remedies in disputed areas such as the northern Maradi, Tahoua, northern Zinder, Agadez and Timia regions, using “all legal means” to defend “my victory”.

For her part, in a press release Wednesday the Secretary General of La Francophonie, Louise Mushikiwabo, takes note of the publication of the provisional electoral results by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), in accordance with legal and electoral provisions. (…)

It strongly condemns the post-election violence that followed the publication of the provisional electoral results and calls on all stakeholders to resort, in the event of disputes, to legal channels but also to dialogue, in a context marked by health and security challenges. It encourages all political actors to respect and ensure respect for the electoral process to its conclusion by preserving calm and promoting appeasement. (…)

Louise Mushikiwabo marks the availability of the International Organization of La Francophonie to support national and international efforts in favor of dialogue between the parties with a view to the settlement of any dispute.

For many observers, this election will be historic if the different camps accept the final results and thus turn the page on the history of Niger marked by coups d’état and currently facing threats from the jihadists and their attacks.



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