A Partnership Dedicated to African Talents!


The Moroccan International Cooperation Agency and Attijariwafa bank are joining forces to promote African-style excellence. In particular, fellows supported by the Agency will find employment within the banking group.

A bank and an administration join forces and skills. The Attijariwafa bank group and the Moroccan International Cooperation Agency (AMCI) have entered into a strategic partnership aimed at promoting excellence at the African level.

This rapprochement between the two institutions reflects their desire to actively contribute to the development of the continent through “structuring actions” oriented towards the development of young people’s skills, their education and their professional integration.

This partnership agreement is part of the implementation of the main thrusts of the vision of Mohammed VI, which advocates the creation of synergies around the support of African youth.

In their respective approaches, they note, the two partners are driven by the same conviction: African companies must support young people by allowing them to fully play their role as a vector of development and growth. This is why the two establishments will follow a collaborative agenda that will allow them to structure their joint actions around improving the capacities of young people.

They intend to promote the professional integration of young foreign students, AMCI scholarship holders through recruitments made within Attijariwafa bank in Morocco, for a period ranging from 12 to 36 months. Period after which the talents join the various subsidiaries of the group in Africa. Likewise, it was agreed to host foreign students, also scholarship holders, within the structures of the Moroccan bank.

The two partners will develop synergies around the “Morocco-Alumni” platform launched in December 2019 in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to identify experienced talents on a continental scale. Finally, they will promote an “intellectual dynamic” among students with the organization of support workshops, conferences and round tables on topical issues at the continental level.

An image to respect!

Several actions are also planned under the partnership agreement. They will allow the Attijariwafa bank group and the AMCI to create a positive dynamic around the skills development of young people and the development of their professional skills.

AMCI is a public body responsible for executing Moroccan policy on foreign cooperation. The Agency aims to be “a dynamic, flexible and efficient tool”. It carries out actions in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Its mission is to develop, expand and strengthen all cultural, scientific, technical and economic relations with partner countries, particularly within the framework of South-South cooperation. AMCI carries out cultural and scientific cooperation, technical cooperation, and carries out economic, social, humanitarian projects, etc.

Thus, the Agency is continuing its international mission, which is part of Moroccan “soft power”. For example, its ambassador Mohamed Methqal has just concluded a strengthening of the country’s ties with Burundi. Strengthening through the doubling of the number of scholarships awarded to students, who will number 70.

Mohamed Methqal also promised Moroccan investments in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, health and renewable energies.

For Attijariwafa bank, this type of partnership reinforces its image as a banking group concerned with its social responsibility. Thus, the group has been placed in first position in the ranking made by Rekrute of the 25 most attractive companies in Morocco in 2020. According to the executive and manager recruitment firm, “this distinction reinforces the strategy carried by Attijariwafa bank in as a benchmark pan-African multinational that works to bring out excellence on a continental scale”.

Reference: https://www.financialafrik.com/2021/02/18/le-groupe-attijariwafa-bank-et-lagence-marocaine-de-cooperation-internationale-signent-une-convention-de-partenariat-dediee-aux-talents-africains/


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